M108 Privacy Policy

m108.in RESPECTS YOUR PRIVACY. Thank you for visiting the m108.in website.

m108.in is a leading online pharmacy and retail store for pharmaceutical products, owned and operated in India under drugs license titled m108 e-kart pvt. Ltd.

The owners of m108.in, its subsidiaries, related entities and affiliates respect your privacy and are committed to comply with the India’s Data Protection & Privacy Act 2019 ("Act"), the Act's Privacy Principals and the Data Protection Authority of India (DPAI) (IN) 2018-2019 under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY). In addition, we are bounded by and committed to the privacy of health information as contained in Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) (Section 26B of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), the Central Government hereby directs that in case any person holding a license in Form-20 or Form-21 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945)

We respect your right to privacy and are committed to provide clear and honest information to explain how we use the information you give us. We are committed to protect and respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains the type of personal information we collect, how we use that information, who we share it with, and how we protect that information.

This policy (together with our terms and conditions) sets out the basis on which any personal information we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal information, and how we will treat it. By continuing to use this website, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy.


This policy covers all personal information collected and used by m108.in. In this policy, “personal information” means information or pieces of information that could identify you which includes your name, address, username, or email address, but could also include your IP address or information about your preferences and shopping habits.

If you have any questions, queries or complaints, please mail us at “support@m108.in” or mail us at:

m108.in INDIA Online Customer Service

#17-19, Mangalam Arcade,

Opp. BRTS Talav Bus Stop,

Odhav, Ahmedabad 382415,

Gujarat. India.


We use your personal information to allow us to provide the services you ask us for.

We will only share your information with other companies if this is necessary to provide our service to you (for example, to deliver medication or products we will need to share your address with a postal service). We share the minimum amount of information for the relevant purpose. Those we share your information with are not allowed to use it to try to sell their own services to you.

We do not sell, provide, or allow your information to be viewed by any person not engaged or employed by us without your prior consent.

We will only send you information about our own products and services and those of group companies and selected partners if you have given us permission to. Bear in mind that if you choose not to receive this information, you may miss out on offers and deals.

In some instances (for example, customers using any kind of medicines regardless of prescription only medicines), we will need to collect health information about you – such as existing health conditions or prescribed medication. The Code sets out to how we can record and use your health information.


How and why we collect and use your personal information.

How we use this information and to whom the information may be disclosed.

Our commit to respect and protect the privacy of people who use our website and our services.

Please read this privacy policy carefully. By using our website and services you are confirming that you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, do not use our website or services.

We may make changes time to time to this privacy policy. We will set out any important changes at the end of the latest version of the privacy policy. If there are substantial changes, we will also explain the changes in the summary at the start of this policy. You must check this privacy policy regularly to see if there have been any changes.

What personal information we collect and how we use it.


Many of our services require us to collect images and other information from your device's camera and photos. For example, you won't be able purchase medicines without the prescription from doctor except OTC and FMCG products.

Collection of information from the USER end.


While using our APP, we need the location/city to offer our services in the area or pin code for delivery.



Collection from mobile for the Prescription



Collection of Prescription if already stored in the Photo Gallery



While using the APP, customer shall place order through voice command (Futuristic option) with a AI functionality to play order for their Medicines, OTCs’, FMCG etc.,



Auto fill application to read the OTP while login to m108 Pharmacy WEB/WAP/Mobile Application.



We collect personal information from you in a number of ways, mainly when you buy goods or services and from the way you use our website. This personal information will include your name, date of birth, delivery and billing address, email address and phone number. We will use this personal information to help us meet your order, deliver the goods and services to you and to give you the information you need to track your order.

In some cases, for example if you are ordering pharmacy-only medicines from us, we will ask you for extra information to make sure that our pharmacists can check the medicine is suitable for you. This will mean collecting information about your health, including medical information.


When purchasing medicines, we may need to collect information about your existing medical conditions and any medication your doctor has prescribed for you, gender, DOB, address, and ID number (Aadhaar Card/Pan Card/Voter ID/Passport). We will use this information to look after your health and comply with all laws applicable to us. This may mean we have to contact you in certain circumstances that are relevant to your ongoing care (for example, sending you reminders about repeated prescriptions). For more information about what information we may collect in such when providing prescriptions please read our prescription service page.


We will collect and store details of all medicines and other products we supply to you, and also medicines that you may have from us on repeated prescription. We also collect information about our customers and prospective customers from other organisations, such as marketing agencies. We use this information to help us get to know you better and to enable us to provide better service.

We will use this information, as well as the other information we collect about you, to improve the quality of our website, as well as improving the personal information we hold about you. This helps us to understand you, so we can send you marketing messages that should be relevant to you (unless you have told us that you do not want to receive marketing from us). We will also put this information (which does not identify you) with other information so that we can use all the information we have to help us understand our customers and prospective customers better, including helping to predict which of our services may be of interest to them. We may share your information with our marketing service providers to help us identify prospective customers.

Please note that we will only send you marketing information about our own products and services and those of our group companies and selected partners, if you have given us permission to do so (you have to tell us if you want us to send you marketing information). We will not sell your information to anyone else, for any reason.


  • Sometimes we use other organisations (service providers) to help us provide our services and improve them, including:
  • Delivering your orders and providing emails or texts so you can track your order;
  • Sending letters and marketing material;
  • Carrying out market research; and
  • Helping us to analyse anonymous information about customers.
  • Where we need to share information with our service providers, we give them only the minimum amount they need to provide services to us and you. Those we share your information with are not allowed to use it to try to sell their own services to you. They are all bound by privacy policies that at a minimum mirror ours.


We may receive information about you if you use any of the other websites we operate (for example a website for another m108.in brand) or the other services we provide. We also work closely with third parties (including, for example, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers, search information providers and credit reference agencies) and may receive information about you from them. We may also collect information about you from publicly available sources, including publicly available content on social media, always with the aim of improving our services to you.


We may collect information about you as you are using our website, such as information about your browser, your location, the country you are visiting from, your IP address, which areas of our website you visit and what links you click on etc. We may use the information we collect about you, after making it anonymous, to create statistics which we then share with others including ad networks, search engines and providers of

analysis services.


By agreeing to our privacy policy, you are agreeing to allow us to contact you about products and services which we, our group companies and selected partners provide and think you would be interested in, and to let you know about relevant offers and news. m108.in will share the data provided by you to third parties (as disclosed in our Cookie Policy) in order to communicate to you via our various marketing channels, analyse behaviour on our website and understand your data.

If you no longer want to receive marketing information in a particular way, or receive any marketing at all, you can change your mind at any time. You can change your preferences by contacting us via our contact page or by using unsubscribe link at the end of every email we send you.


As well as sharing your information and giving our service providers information to help us provide our products and services to you, we may give your information to others (third parties) in the following circumstances.

If we are selling any business or assets, in such case we may give your personal information to the prospective buyer of such business or asset.

If we, or most of our assets, are taken over by a third party (as your personal information may be one of those assets).

  • If we have to provide or share your personal information in order to:
  • Meet any legal obligation or a request from a court or the police;
  • Enforce or apply our t&c and other agreements; or
  • Protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our customers or others.

This may involve sharing information for the purposes of preventing fraud, carrying out identity and age-related checks, and reducing credit risks, and contacting prescribers when our pharmacist becomes aware of significant medical issues arising in connection with a repeated prescription.

Our website may contain links to third parties’ websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those websites.

This privacy policy applies only to personal information we collect from you through our website or in our dealings with you. We recommend that you check our cookie policies to help you understand how you can control sharing your personal information.


All the personal information we collect about you is stored by us or by our service providers on our behalf in a legally compliant manner, consistent with industry’s best practices.

The security of your personal information is very important to us, and we take all appropriate security measures (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) to help protect it from being seen or shared by people or organisations not authorized to receive it. Personal Electronic Information provided to m108.in will be stored on servers located in India. Physical copies of Personal Information provided may be kept in storage rooms with restricted access. When sending your personal information to a third party in order to provide goods or services you have ordered through our website, we will use reasonable ways of keeping your personal information secure.

Despite this commitment, we will not be liable if information transmitted over the internet is revealed, altered or misused. Any Information sent to us via the Internet is sent at your own risk. m108.in shall not be held accountable for the privacy practices of other websites which appear as links on our website or to links to our websites from other websites. m108.in may contain links to other sites which may be located within or outside of India. This privacy policy does not apply to any sites which are not controlled or operated by us.

How can m108.in customers ensure the accuracy and rectification in regard to their Personal Information?

When Personal Information is provided to us by you, you warrant that the Personal Information given is accurate, current and complete and undertake to maintain the accuracy, currency and completeness of the Information which we retain. You also warrant that you have the authority to provide this Personal Information to us.

Registered customers can view and alter the Personal Information they have provided by logging in with their username and password and accessing their account information. The Personal Information we retain includes patient’s profiles, addresses, and past orders. Access to this Personal Information by our staff can only be performed by staff members with a secure password, with access only granted when required. Access to this Information is recorded by log files to track unauthorised access and modifications. You may only alter your own information.

Can m108.in customers order with anonymity?

As m108.in requires a physical address to deliver parcels to and a signature on delivery, anonymity cannot be assured. Customers may use a pseudonym for the purpose of registering for marketing information only.

How can m108.in customers' information be removed from our database?

If at any stage a m108.in customer would like their Personal Information to be removed from our database, we require an email with the username, password and identifying information and the customer’s file will be deleted from our records. Please send to: security@m108.in. We may be legally required to maintain some health records such as your dispensing history, name, and address.


You can ask us in writing for a copy of all the personal information we hold about you. We will endeavour to respond to your request within reasonable time. You will need to give enough information for our staff to identify you (for example, your full name, address and date of birth). You will need to provide ID (for example, your passport, full driving license or credit card or debit card) before any information can be released to you.

If you think any information we hold about you is incorrect, please let us know at security@m108.in. You may ask us to correct health information about you, if you think it is wrong, incomplete or misleading. If we choose not to correct your health information, then you may ask us to attach a note on your views to the relevant health information.

If you have any questions, contact us by visiting https://www.m108.in.


This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll only use your data for purposes you consent to. [Accept]

When you visit our site, we may use cookies and other technologies to automatically collect the following information however not limited to:

Technical information, including your IP address, your login information, browser type and version, device identifier, location and time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, page response times, and download errors;

Information about your visit, including the websites you visit before and after our site and products you viewed or searched for;

Length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

Also, emails that we send as part of our marketing programs use clear gifs (web beacons).

These tell us whether the email has been opened. Web beacons can be turned off by not “enabling images” in an email.

A cookie is a piece of data that a website places on your browser when you visit the website. A cookie can store a range of information.

We use cookies and other automated means to help you navigate our website efficiently and to perform certain functions, including site traffic analytics and security and fraud prevention. Cookies may also recognize you on your next login and offer you content and advertising tailored to your preferences and interests. Cookies do not compromise the security of a website.

We use various technologies to collect this information, including cookies and web beacons, and when we say “cookies” we mean all of these technologies. Note that disabling some cookie categories may impact your experience of our site.


Description m108.in

All Cookies are leveraged to provide site functionality, analytics and advertising and profiling to ensure you get the best experience possible.

Below is the list of third-party-service providers we use who can leave cookies to be able to work for their intended purposes. If you have any queries regarding cookies used by them and what information they collect and why, please visit respective cookie policy page links provided below.

Provider      Purpose/Service provided      Cookie policy page


If you don’t want to receive cookies, you can modify your browser setting, so that it notifies you when cookies are sent to it, or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies that have already been sent.

The help function within your browser should tell you how to do this.

Alternatively, you may wish to visit www.aboutcookies.org, which contains comprehensive information on how to refine or remove cookies on a wide variety of desktop browsers.

Changes to this privacy policy

This policy was last updated in January 2022.



How long will my order take to get to me?

m108.in will dispatch most orders within 1-2 business days Monday to Friday assuming all items are in stock. All other orders will be dispatched as quickly as possible thereafter.

Delivery times are reliant upon normal third-party Courier Services delivery times and vary depending on where you live. Please allow 1-3 working days from the date of the order being shipped.

Business Days and Hours

Ahmedabad City

6 hours delivery

Business Days and Hours

Gandhinagar City

8 hours delivery

Govt. Holidays and Sundays

Ahmedabad City

24 hours delivery

Premium Service


1-3 hours delivery

For rural addresses or deliveries containing dangerous goods such as fragrances our delivery time frame is 2-3 business days.

For more accurate delivery timeframes please visit our Shipping link at the bottom of the page.

*Delivery times are an estimate only.

What are the delivery options and prices?

Less than IN` 100

IN` 30

IN` 101 - IN` 300

IN` 20

IN` 301 - IN` 500

IN` 10

IN` 501 - IN` 2000

IN` 0

IN` 2001 - IN` 5000

Discount 3%

IN` 5001 - IN` 7000

Discount 5%

IN` 7001 - IN` 10000

Discount 7%

Above IN` 10001

Discount 10%

You will see the cost of your shipping in the cart after the destination has been selected which is automatically calculated.

How can I track my order?

During the fulfilment stage, the status of your order will be updated in your account. After your order has been dispatched, an email will be sent to you with a link to track your order via third-party Courier Services.

In the event your order has not arrived within the estimated delivery date provided by third-party Courier Services, please contact our Customer Service Team here to follow up with third-party Courier Services directly.

What happens if I am not at home when my order is delivered?

m108.in uses registered mail through third-party Courier Services to deliver all parcels. In the event you are not at home to receive the parcel, a card will be left detailing the nearest third-party Courier Services outlet where the parcel can be collected.

If your parcel has been redirected to the post office this will also show on your tracking number as ‘awaiting collection’ at the nominated post office where it will remain for approximately 7-14 days.

How do I change my address when placing a new order?

You can add items into your cart as normal and proceed to the checkout. Whilst in the secure checkout under the ‘Contact Details’ underneath the address section there is a box preselected “ship to the same address”; if you unselect this option you will be provided with additional space to fill in an alternative address details and continue as normal.

If you would like to permanently change your address on your account please contact our Customer Service Team here and they will alter it.

Please note that once your order has been dispatched we won’t be able to alter the address details.

How can I have my order left at my premises?

Whilst in the secure checkout in the delivery method section you can select the option “Parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it”.

Third-party Courier Services will leave the parcel out of street view and out of the weather. If these conditions cannot be met, your order will be carded to the closest local third-party Courier Services’ outlet.


  1. How can I pay for my order?
  2. If I use a credit card to purchase my items can anyone else obtain my credit card details?
  3. Can I use a Coupons/Gift Card/Voucher to pay for my order?
  4. How long will it take for my refund to be processed?
  5. Can I return products in store that have been purchased online via wallet?
  1. How can I pay for my order?

m108.in Online accepts payments via:

UPI / QR Code

RuPay Card

Credit Card Visa | MasterCard

Debit Card Visa | MasterCard

Net Banking

  1. If I use a credit card to purchase my items can anyone else obtain my credit card details?

No, m108.in is a secure site endorsed with the Entrust Certificate. This uses the latest encryption methods to ensure security of payment.

We do not see your credit card details when ordering online, with all transactions performed by the banking institutions.


We do not store any credit card details under any circumstances.


  1. Can I use a Coupons/Gift Card/Voucher to pay for my order?

Yes, Coupons/Card/Vouchers can be used to pay for a portion of your order with a limit of one per order.

Please use the ‘got a Coupon/Gift/Voucher code? Add it here’ option in the shopping cart and ensure you have checked any and all relevant terms and conditions for your Code.

*m108.in gift cards cannot be used for online ordering.

  1. How long will it take for my refund to be processed?

Refunds may take up to 5 business days to be visible in your bank account.

  1. Can I return products in store that have been purchased online via wallet?

Yes. As wallet is currently an online only service, all returns are handled by our online Customer Service Team. If you need to return an item that you have purchased with wallet, please contact us here.



  1. Is my order confidential?
  2. Can I put my families’ patient profiles on my account?
  3. Can I order over the phone?
  4. How do I cancel an order?
  5. How can I track the progress of my order?
  6. What happens if I don’t receive my confirmation email for my order?
  7. How can I change my address on my order?
  8. What do I do if something from my order is received damaged/missing/or not as ordered?
  9. How can I get a copy of my Tax Invoice?
  10. Can I refund/exchange products I’ve ordered online?
  11. How will my order be packed?
  12. How can I ensure my parcel is left at my premises without a signature required?

What does it mean by ‘temporarily low stock online, please try your local store’ when looking at products on your website?

The above message means our Distribution Centre is currently out of stock of the item and it cannot be ordered online at this time. If you have a local store, please contact them directly to query if they have the stock available. Alternatively you can contact our Customer Service team here and we will endeavour to locate the stock for you in our stores.

Why have I been initially charged for products that m108.in could not supply?

All orders must be paid in full before m108.in will process them. m108.in stocks in store around 90% of products ordered and orders any other products.

The Distribution Centre that is responsible for your order may not always have every item listed on your order in stock. In this instance we will send you an out of stock notification providing you with options on how to proceed with your order.

In some cases, suppliers may discontinue stock of a product, m108.in are not always informed until an order has been placed. We are currently developing new systems to limit this problem. In these cases, the item is cancelled from the order and a refund is given via the payment method used when placing your order.

Can Fragrances/Deo be returned for exchange or refund?

No, fragrances/deo cannot be returned or exchanged in line with our Return Policy so please choose carefully.

Can Vitamins be returned for Refund or Exchange?

No, Due to health Regulations and in line with our Return Policy we do not refund or exchange any orally taken products as we cannot guarantee storage outside the premises.

We always want to make sure that our customers have absolute confidence in every product they purchase.

This is especially the case in medicines, vitamins and many other healthcare products.

It is important that our customers know that every medicine is safe and effective with no possibility of the medicine being compromised in any way due to storage or handling.

We state in store and on our receipts “Medicines, baby formula and vitamin supplements, refunds or exchanges will also not be accepted outside normal statutory obligations.”

This policy exists to protect customers.

Are all items listed in the m108.in catalogue available on the website?

We take care to stock all items inside each m108.in catalogue on the m108.in website.

Unfortunately, some items are too bulky, unsafe to send through the post or have limited availability.

Therefore, we avoid listing them as not to disappoint customers who won't be able to receive them.

Please note, not all promotions and gift with purchases are available online and can only be obtained in store.

Do the m108 online store keep the same products as listed on the m108.in website?

A majority of products on the m108.in website are kept at m108 online store and this can vary from store to store.

Products that are only available on the website will state this in their product description.

Not all products available in m108 online store can be supplied through the website. Products that are stored in the fridge and heavy or bulky items cannot always be supplied via the website.

Are the prices on the m108.in website the same in stores?

In most cases the prices on the m108.in website and m108 pharmacy store are the same but they can vary on some items e.g. promotions and offers.

Please check with your local m108.in store for the price and availability of products.

How does the Lowest Price Guaranteed offer work?

At m108.in if you find a cheaper price on the same item at another India Registered Online Pharmacy or India Registered Retailer or any Pharmacy outlet we will match it and give you 5% off from the difference listed price.

The price matching policy is limited to the retail limit applicable or a maximum quantity of three of each product.

In Store:

If you would like to price match in store, please bring a catalogue from the other retailer containing valid proof of their price. The discount will take place during the time you purchase the product in store and our staff may choose to contact the competitor to verify their price before granting the price match.


If you would like to price match online, please send us a direct link of the product on the competitors’ website it is being advertised on and your order number. Please note we require notification of your price match request within 24 hours of placing an order with us.

Please note that we cannot price match online only retailers.

You will need to pay for your order in full, however after your price match has been approved you will receive a refund for the matched price.


Our price matching policy excludes international orders and offers that are exclusively online. This policy cannot be applied to products at the other company if they are:

  • out of stock
  • short dated
  • on clearance or discontinued
  • A part of a promotional offer e.g. buy one get one free


**m108.in reserves the right to deny any price matching claims if they do not meet the above criteria. **

What policy does m108.in have in regards to expiry dates of products they supply?

Our policy is to supply products with at least 1-month expiry beyond the normal expected time it would take to consume based on normal dosages.

As we have no control over expiry dates supplied from the manufacturer, we are unable to supply requests for extended expiry dates and we do not recommend ordering any more than 3 months’ supply of any product.

Any orders in excess of 3 months’ supply or in excess of retail quantities are at the risk of the purchaser in regards to expiry dates.


Do you currently do prescription and pharmacist only medicines online?

Can I phone and talk directly to a pharmacist?

Can I obtain more than one supply of a Pharmacy Medicine in one order?

Can I return prescription medicine or any preparation for oral use for a refund?

What is the responsibility of m108.in Pharmacists and staff in regards to orders?

Do you currently do prescription and pharmacist only medicines online?

We don’t currently sell prescription and pharmacist only (restricted) medicines online, but we will do these in the future. Please find and visit your nearest m108.in store using our Store Locator for these medicines.

Can I phone and talk directly to a pharmacist?

Yes. We have Pharmacists available to speak at the following times:

Monday to Saturday: 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

WhatsApp number is +91 951 270 6108

The phone number is +91 997 880 6108

Can I obtain more than one supply of a Pharmacy Medicine in one order?

In store restricted products are kept in the Professional Service Area which is in view of the Pharmacist.

Online there is no Pharmacist present during the transaction; therefore, we can only supply a limit of 1 per order.

This is in accordance with the India guidelines.

Can I return prescription medicine or any preparation for oral use for a refund?

No. Due to health regulations and our standards, medicines including any preparation that is taken orally cannot be returned for credit. This is because once the product has left the pharmacy, the storage conditions of the product and the efficiency cannot be guaranteed.

What is the responsibility of m108.in Pharmacists and staff in regards to orders?

m108.in's prime objective is to ensure the safety of the patient in regards to the safe use of medications.

m108.in’s staff reserves the right to refuse any order it may seem to not fit these criteria, or of a nature that may be unsafe in its volume or capacity for misuse. The sole discretion is that of the pharmacist in charge.


  • Where is m108.in located, and can we purchase at
  • m108.in rather than through the Internet?
  • How can I change my online account details?
  • Why have the prices changed from what I saw previously?
  • Can I order more than the quantity listed on the website?
  • How do I unsubscribe from your emailed marketing material?
  • There is no local m108.in near me, will one be opening in the future?
  • Will my order include GST?
  • How can I apply my voucher to my order?
  • What is m108.in's Privacy Statement?
  • Does m108.in collect email addresses?
  • Do I need to have cookies enabled to use the m108.in web site?

Where is m108.in located, and can we purchase at m108.in rather than through the Internet?

For online purchases m108.in currently dispatches from m108.in Glen Innes in Auckland. To purchase from one of our retail locations you can visit one of our m108.in branches located throughout India. Please click on store locations for a full list of stores.

How can I change my online account details?

If you wish to change your online account information e.g. name, address; please send these changes to our Customer Service team and they will update the information for you. Please note, your username cannot be changed.

Why have the prices changed from what I saw previously?

As we have regular bi-monthly catalogues our prices change very regularly.

Please note, if you have placed items in your cart, these prices are subject to change in conjunction with our catalogue commencement and they are not held at the listed prices past this time.

Can I order more than the quantity listed on the website?

As we are a retail company, we do not offer wholesale quantities in most cases.

An email can be sent to our Customer Service team for consideration of your request.

How do I unsubscribe from your emailed marketing material?

You can unsubscribe from our emailed correspondence by using the ‘unsubscribe’ option on our emails.

Alternatively, you can email our Customer Service team with your email address and they will cease all email correspondence.

There is no local m108.in near me, will one be opening in the future?

m108.in is constantly expanding and endeavours to accommodate for areas with increased demand and bustling areas.

If you would like to bring a location to our attention, an email request can be sent to our Customer Service team.

Will my order include GST?

All products listed on our website that incur GST will have this listed on your Tax Invoice which is included within all parcels sent.

If you do not receive this Tax Invoice an email request can be sent through to our Customer Service team.

How can I apply my voucher to my order?

Vouchers can be applied to online orders in the cart section. This is located under the products as ‘Got a voucher code? Add it here’. The total voucher amount will then be deducted and reflected in the total. Please note, only one voucher can be used per order.

What is m108.in's Privacy Statement?

Our web server makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes - the user's server address and top-level domain name (e.g. .com, .org, .co.in, .in etc.), the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded the referring site and the type of browser used.

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the web server's logs.

m108.in uses this information to improve our services and capabilities in operating our business for the consumer. We do not sell, provide, or allow our information to be viewed by any other person other than those employed by m108.in. m108.in will also forward order addresses to third-party Courier Services in order to successfully deliver the parcel.

Does m108.in collect email addresses?

m108.in requires email addresses for correspondence in regard to orders placed and registration of users. We do not use these emails for commercial use without prior consent.

Please advise our Customer Service team if you no longer wish to receive our emailed correspondence.

Do I need to have cookies enabled to use the m108.in web site?

Yes, you must be able to accept session cookies for all functions on the m108.in site to work.


We are committed to ensure that the m108.in is accessible to all users irrespective of device in use, technology or ability. It has been built, with an aim, to provide maximum accessibility and usability to its visitors particularly for people with disabilities. For example, a user with visual disability can access this Website using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and magnifiers.

We also aim to be standards compliant and follow principles of usability and universal design, which should help all visitors of this Website.

This Website is designed to meet priority 2 (level AA) of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 laid down by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Part of the information in the Website is also made available through links to external Web sites.

External Web sites are maintained by the respective agencies that are responsible for making these sites accessible.

If you have any problem or suggestion regarding the accessibility of m108.in, please use the 'Feedback' or 'Contact Us' page to enable us to respond in a helpful manner.

The content on this page has been supervised by the Nodal Officer and Project Director of m108.in. Relevant references are cited on each page.

Published Date: January 17, 2022

Last Update: January 26, 2022


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